Experienced Car Accident Lawyers in Brodheadsville, PA
- Our Lawyers Have Over 50 years of Personal Injury Law Experience
- Aggressive and Personal Representation
Have you or a family member been involved in an automobile accident in Brodheadsville or nearby Effort or Gilbert? A car accident can ruin your whole day even when it’s minor. But many accidents cause severe injury and extensive damage. For over 30 years Fisher & Fisher law offices has helped victims of car accidents recover costs and monetary damages caused by crashes. Fisher & Fisher serves people in Monroe, Northampton, Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, and Wayne Counties.

It’s hard to think clearly when you experience a sudden crash with another vehicle or even in a single car accident. It’s easy at these times of stress to make mistakes. Insurance companies are anxious to limit their liability and will often approach the victim’s asking them to sign documents in the immediate aftermath of an accident. It is hard to know how long it will take to recover from an injury and what the cost will be, let alone long-term cost of rehabilitation. Sometimes one’s quality of life is changed forever. Fisher & Fisher has even represented insurance policy holders successfully who believed the insurance payments were insufficient for the extent of their personal injuries.
Caring Auto Accident Attorneys
People who were involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver often feel they have no recourse. However, with the legal assistance of Fisher & Fisher, it is possible to pursue other resources to achieve a satisfactory financial settlement.
In cases of accidents with trucks or commercial vehicles, Fisher & Fisher has a number of legal remedies available. We would first inquire as to whether the driver was a obeying the traffic laws. Was the truck itself was in compliance with federal and state regulations? Was the truck being operated safely? Was the truck properly maintained? Did the truck possess faulty equipment? Was the driver using alcohol, marijuana, or even another drug? Was the driver taking any prescription medications? Was the driver healthy and fit to drive? And last but not least, was the driver using a cell phone or other device while driving? Distracted driving is a leading cause of the vehicle crashes today.
Lawyers for Minor and Major Accidents in Tough Surroundings
The residents of Brodheadsville are keenly aware of traffic congestion on local roads and highways. It seems to grow worse every year. The unique convergence of Route 209, Route 715, and Route 115 in Brodheadsville provides ample opportunity for car crashes. Roads are partially finished, always under construction, and filled with potholes, and out-of-town tourists who don’t know the local roads or landmarks. They often make unexpected and abrupt turns or lane changes or simply stop in the middle of the road.

Local attractions contribute generously to the Pocono economy and to congestion issues. Traffic from the Pocono Raceway filters down through Effort and Gilbert into the Brodheadsville area. That facility along with Great Wolf Lodge, Mount Airy Casino, Kalahari Resorts, and the crossroads shopping complex help flood the local roads with a continuous flow of traffic. Accidents are common and are increasing as the amount of traffic increases.
You Are Not Alone
Almost one and a half million people were killed in automobile accidents last year in the United States. That’s over 3,000 per day. The number of people injured or permanently disabled was between 20 and 50 million. To that number Pennsylvania contributed 130,000 crashes with 81,000 injuries ranging from minor to severe. The chances of being injured in an accident are two out of three. The total miles driven by Pennsylvania drivers and drivers and other states continues to climb every year as cars become more fuel efficient and people see driving as an affordable alternative to air travel or prefer the convenience.
Know Your Legal Rights After an Accident
The attorneys at Fisher & Fisher law offices have over 50 years of experience in aggressive litigation for victims of automobile accidents in and around the Brodheadsville area. We always work hard to get you what you need and deserve. You are our first priority.
Don’t delay. The sooner you get help, the better. If you were involved in a car accident call Fisher & Fisher law offices today. The consultation is free and we will show you how we can protect your rights and your financial security.